In contrast to any other military paint, CARC and Infrared Reflective (IRR) camouflage paints, our Anti-Thermal/IR Stealth Capability Coating System (SCCS) is an advanced  anti-detection and anti-targeting coating which covers platform's heat emissions, the heat signature of the platform providing a decisive advantage to the user. Obviously, if a platform has less detectable heat signature it would be less visible to a sensor that "homes-in" on heat. The type of sensors that are found on an enemy DRONE, UAV, heat seeking missiles ATGMs, man portable air defense systems (MANPADS), ATMs, ATGWs and more.

Our coatings can be applied to vehicles, naval vessels, strategic installations, personal equipment, and infrastructure, providing a versatile, countermeasure to thermal detection.

INTERMAT harnesses IR theory to scatter, reject, diffuse, and reflect thermal infrared radiation, thereby minimizing the Infrared Cross section of coated surfaces. This results in multispectral performance, reducing detection across both optical and the IR spectrums.

Given the proliferation of thermal detection and engagement methods and mechanisms, reducing thermal signatures is critical to the conduct of modern military operations. INTERMAT's coatings ensure the reduced IR signature of systems and personnel thereby increasing their survivability.

Countering IR Detection and threats posed by IR-guided munitions or surveillance via the reduction their IR signature provides a foundational passive assymetric defense mechanism by primarily enabling coated assets to blend into the thermal infrared background akin to how visual subdued colored camouflage do in the visual spectrum. This reduces the likelihood of detection, thereby diminishing an adversary's ability to target and engage.

Consequently, INTERMAT'S stealth coatings curtail the enemy's maximum effective ranges for target acquisition and weapons delivery, allowing friendly forces to fully leverage their weapon systems' capabilities.

Proven and in use in NATO under various environmental conditions (-25C to +55C), INTERMAT has demonstrated the capability to defeat "lock-on" mechanisms of IR-guided munitions and reduce detection ranges by up to 90%. It also mitigates heat absorption, lowering internal temperatures in combat vehicles and infrastructure.

By offering a simple, effective, and affordable asymmetric countermeasure, INTERMAT shifts the balance in operational scenarios, giving forces the advantage of remaining unseen, thus enhancing survivability and effectiveness.

"The  tank that can find, target and hit the other from the longer range is likely to prevail in any kind of war engagement", according to defense editor for the National Interest and President of Warrior Maven-the Center for Military Modernization, Kris Osborn in his comparative analysis "Here's Why the U.S.Army M1 Abrams Might Destroy the Russian T-14 Armata".

TECHNOLOGY READINESS Level (TRL): 9 (max) - This level indicates that the technology has been fully proven in operational environments and has been successfully deployed in conventional use cases.

MANUFACTURER'S READINESS Level (MRL): 10 (max) - Products are deliverable under the highest quality level available.

The protection capability of INTERMAT coatings against modern threats provide a clear reduction in risk and an assymetric countermeasure to the growing prevelance of IR-guided munitions, Drones and ISR platforms, effectively increasing operational capability whilst reducing vulnerability to modern threats.

In combat, battlefield superiority hinges on 'Time to Detection', 'Target Resolution', 'Engagement Range', and 'Accuracy'.

Even minor differences in detecting and identifying targets can be decisive in terms of lethality. Much like optical camouflage, an INTERMAT IR Stealth coated platform blends into its thermal infrared background, significantly enhancing its multispectral camouflage capabilities. This reduces the likelihood of detection, thereby diminishing an adversary's ability to detect and engage.

  • Easy to apply 
  • Packaged in 5, 10, 20 ltrs cans 
  • Weightless with only few microns dry film thickness
  • Available in multiple tailored military matte colors 
  • Applicable on top of military paints CARC and IRR
  • Minimal personal protection equipment (PPE)
  • Applicable to Land, Marine and Aerial platforms (Helicopters,UAVs, Drones).

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"Close combat on sensor-rich battlefields of the future will be faster, more violent and intensely lethal unlike anything any of us have witnessed."
-Gen.(ret.) Mark A. Milley, Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army

U.S. Marine Corps Commandant, Gen. David Berger has stressed the importance of reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance capabilities and in his report "Force Design 2030" states: "The hider-versus finder competition is real. Losing this competition has enormous and potentially catastrophic consequences. This makes success in the reconnaissance / counter-reconnaissance mission an imperative for success."

Gen. Eric Smith, assistant commandant of the US Marine Corps referred to the psychological element of fear and uncertainty: " You never know when you're being tracked by an eye in the sky that's just waiting for the signal to strike. And you have to drop your signature. If you're seen, either because you radiate, or because you're physically seen, you're targeted almost immediatelly." 

Brig. Gen. Beth Behn, the US Army's chief of transportation with 200,000 tactical vehicles her command employs, after observing in person the ongoing war in UA said  ".If you can be seen, you can be targeted. And if you can be targeted, you had better be able to hide or move fast".

Nothing could describe more accurately modern warfare and STEALTH becomes more valuable than ever.


Insurgents, in modern Theatres of Operations are increasingly attacking security forces using THERMAL/IR equipment and sensors combined with infrared homing missiles either stolen from state troops or bought on the black market.
Commanders now worry that this new equipment used by insurgents against security forces puts them in a situation imposing lethal consequences.

With this new battlefield visibility insurgents have quadrupled nighttime attacks according to various military sources.

Additionally to widespread Night Vision & Thermal Imaging capabilities, heat seeking missiles and warheads pose a serious threat against lives, military infrastructure and equipment.

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In contrast to any other military paint, CARC and Infrared Reflective (IRR) camouflage paints, our Anti-Thermal IR Stealth Capability Coating System protects military platforms and critical infrastructure against NIGHT VISION &THERMAL WEAPON SYSTEMS such as anti-tank missiles ( ATGMs, ATWs), missiles, UAVs, UCAVs, DRONES, Thermal Imaging Sights (TIS), FLIRs, loitering ammunitions and more.

Our stealth capability coating system is in full compliance with STANAG 4319: "Counter Surveillance Requirements for Main Battle Tanks - Infrared/Thermal Aspects 1.9 - 14 microns waveband" with the objective to minimize DT platform / background and consequently minimize detection and to degrade performance of heat seeking anti-tank missiles.

Battlefield / Warfighting advantages:

  • Platform is degraded to a low-grade blurred target that fades into the background clutter getting very hard to be detected and engaged.
  • Defeats modern NIGHT & THERMAL VISION equipment and Sensors & Target Acquisition Systems.
  • Protects and increases the survivability of platforms & personel against enemy’s NIGHT & THERMAL VISION equipment and sensors, heat seeking warheads and missiles.
  • Breaks “lock-on” by enemy’s heat-seeking missiles and hence it is a proven "force multiplier".

Product features and characteristics:

  • Multispectral Stealth Capability in NWIR, SWIR, MWIR 3-5, LWIR 8-14
  • Affordable, dry fast, flexible, durable, vibrant, water-resistant, anti-corrosive
  • Application by spray gun equipment
  • Stored for a long time (7 years) without deterioration and original color maintained for a long time
  • Solar Reflective with COOLING EFFECT
  • High UV-radiation resistance 
  • High resistance against extreme weather conditions
  • Applicable over standard IR camo paints and Chemical Agent Resistance Coatings (CARC)
  • Tailored made to multiple military colors with matte finish
  • Applicable to almost any surface such as metallic, aluminum, plastic, PVC fabrics, buildings, concrete, wall, for Land, Marine & Aerial platforms

NATO and non-NATO member trials show INTERMAT coatings effectively reducing IR signatures of armoured vehicles, naval vessels, and infrastructure providing measurable performance against IR detection systems including against modern IR-guided munitions, and degradation of "lock-on" and tracking capabilities.

Check demo at below link in our Media Video Gallery:

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INTERMAT produces tailorable military colors in matte finish as per customer requirements and we have developed hundreds of shades from the standard military colors such as:

Desert, Sand, Khaki, Tan, Coyote, Forest Green, Olive Drab, Mud, Brown, Black, Grey, Naval Blue, White, etc.

Despite the different technology we use and the special formulation of multiple ingredients therein, Intermat  Low Observable Coatings  are  in very close match  to   RAL & FS  595  color coding systems.

More information at:

NOTE: Our Stealth Capability Coating System is subject to export licenses / permits.

Intermat color range