

INTERMAT GROUP SA maintains a quality assurance and management system in the formulation of anti-thermal & anti-infrared camouflage coatings and coated materials and the formulation of paints

INTERMAT GROUP SA follows strictly all required protocols & regulations and owns all certificates needed to execute its business. Our products and production are fully compliant to the latest ISO and environmental standards.


Our paint covers combat vehicles' THERMAL/IR signature.You can think of it as the heat signature. Obviously, if a vehicle has a less detectable heat signature it would be less visible to a sensor that homes in on heat. The kind of sensors that are found on an enemy DRONE, UAV or a heat-seeking missile (anti-tank, etc.).

We're defending the people who are inside the Humvees or inside Combat Vehicles or inside the buildings. We're defending their lives. If they can't be seen, and they can't be sought out by missiles, they can't be hurt.

Something that lessens the heat signature would save lives. It also keeps a vehicle cooler inside and hence protects sensitive instruments, which could also be a lifesaver.

In the face of highly sophisticated modern detection systems, the need for advanced materials to improve camouflage and concealment of signature of military systems is of paramount importance nowadays.

Effective concealment prevents platforms from being detected, identified and targeted, and in this way provide additional protection and survivability without affecting weight and mobility. Consequently, effective concealment improves stealth reconnaissance capability and surprise factor for platforms.


Already in theater and proven the last decade, INTERMAT STEALTH CAPABILITY COATING SYSTEM is a "smart coating system" which provides the absolute solution against modern threats in a force-multiplying package.Modern threats require modern countermeasures while the golden rule of survivability still demands not to be seen. It's far better for the warfighter to rely on passive defense layers than being obliged to make use of weapons and active countermeasures.   

As quoted by Gen (ret) Mark A. Milley, Chief of Staff of the US Army "Close combat on sensor-rich battlefields of the future will be faster, more violent and intensely lethal unlike anything any of us have witnessed".

US Marine Corps Commandant, Gen. David Berger has stressed the importance of reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance capabilities and in his report "FORCE DESIGN 2030" stresses " The hider-versus finder competition is real. Losing this competition has enormous and potentially catastrophic consequences. This makes success in the reconnaissance / counter-reconnaissance mission an imperative for success."

Gen. Eric Smith, assistant Commandant of the US Marine Corps referred to the psychological element of fear and uncertainty " You never know when you're being tracked by an eye in the sky that's just waiting for the signal to strike. And you have to drop your signature. If you're seen, either because you radiate, or because you're physically seen, you're targeted almost immediatelly."

Brig. Gen. Beth Behn, the Army's chief of transportation with 200,000 tactical vehicles her command employs, after observing in person the ongoing war in UA said recently  " ...If you can be seen, you can be targeted. And if you can be targeted, you had better be able to hide or move fast"


Nothing could describe more accurately modern warfare and STEALTH becomes MORE VALUABLE than ever.


"The overall results of the project were very  positive." 
GENERAL DYNAMICS LAND SYSTEMS (GDLS) Materials Engineering & Survivability, Sterling Heights MI, USA

"We completed our field tests at Eglin AFB...We are favorably impressed.."
US Army Corps of Engineers

"I have been told that the field application of your LO coatings was very positive

"The Commandos who were tasked to destroy the painted tank using ATGMs (anti-tank guided missiles) couldn't get to it at the required range" 
Australian Land Forces

"The impression of the Intermat products are that they are robust, effective and "leading-edge"
Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) USA

"We achieved the goal, we are extremely satisfied with your solutions"
Defense Systems Integrator

"Intermat coatings can be used for significant reductions in radar and thermal detectability, thus improving the survivability of the military assets to which they were applied."
Defense Contractor

"The specific self-adhesive anti-thermal camouflage is a quite remarkable and interesting proposal and covered to great extent the respective operational requirements of Land Forces."
Hellenic Army - Special Ops

" Performance was amazing.We couldn't believe that we couldn't "see" anything. it was really invisible." 
Naval Special Operations 


NOTE: Our stealth capability products are restricted for military, law enforcement and special forces sales only, and subject to export licenses/permits.